Our Challenges
Luv-a-Duck engaged Progressive PR & Communications (PPR&C) to create an influencer campaign to promote two of their core products, the Fresh Duck Breasts and Cooked Peking Flavoured Duck Breasts. The aim of the campaign was to promote the two hero products to Australians and show how easy it is to prepare a delicious duck dish at home.
Our Response
After drafting an approved national influencer list featuring those in the food and lifestyle space, PPR&C reached out to see if the influencers would like to be involved on a gifted basis and receive a beautiful box to help them prepare a dish featuring the hero Luv-a-Duck product. After several came back and requested payment, PPR&C negotiated fees and successfully secured 41 influencers in total, including 19 paid and 22 gifted.
Our Outcomes
•Secured 126 stories, 24 posts, and 9 reels on Instagram
•Total estimated reach 2,240,450
•Exceeded the KPI of 30 influencers with 37 posting in total
•86% of influencers who received a pack shared content on their social media channels
•196 pieces of coverage in total