As the festive season approaches, Triple P – Positive Parenting Program encourages parents and carers to take a proactive and positive approach to communication with children to ensure a stress-free holiday period.


While Australians face a cost-of-living crisis, Triple P offers some simple ways for parents to manage their children’s expectations without worrying them about family finances.


“The festive season is a joyous time of year to spend with family and friends – but this year could be a real challenge for many parents who are watching their Christmas spend closely. Not being able to afford everything can be stressful at the best of times, but this year we’ve got rising bills and food costs to contend with. There are simple, effective ways of communicating this with children without causing them concern,” said Carol Markie-Dadds, Triple P International Country Director.


Evidence-based, positive programs like Triple P can offer new strategies to maintain a happy household over the festive season.

 Look After Yourself First

It might sound odd, but caring for your own needs first and taking the time to recharge your battery by doing something healthy and nurturing can make it easier to remain calm and positive during stressful times. This in turn helps kids cope with uncertainty and difficult situations. Asking for help can be daunting, but oftentimes reaching out for a little assistance from your partner, friends, family, or health professional makes a big difference in coping with life’s challenges.


The Conversation

Children are more aware than you may think and often pick up on feelings of stress or anxiety. They take their cues from parents, so having proactive, honest, and positive conversations that are sensitive to their needs, can help them build resilience and understand why all families, not just your own, are paying more attention to their finances this year. Support children’s wellbeing by using positive language that emphasises the great things that the season holds instead of lingering on the negatives. Parents and carers can talk about how ‘excited’ they are for the holidays, the ‘fun’ games and experiences they have planned, and how much they’re looking forward to spending quality family time together.