Workways expands employment services in Gippsland with successful Workforce Australia contract

Workways Australia, a not for profit Employment Services provider, is expanding its Gippsland services to an additional 3,000 jobseekers with its successful tender for the Workforce Australia contract from the Federal Government.

Founded in Bairnsdale in 1989 as ‘Skillshare’ with a staff of four, Workways originally delivered courses ‘designed to get you back into the workforce’.

Their mandate is still the same today and Workways delivers employment support services in the Latrobe Valley, East Gippsland and Wellington areas including Workforce Australia, Disability Employment Services, Jobs Victoria and Transition to Work programs.

“It’s important that we can offer a diversity of services to Gippsland jobseekers so that we are better able to meet the needs of each individual and the region’s employers.” said Kieren Kearney, CEO of Workways Australia.

“We are very excited to be adding Workforce Australia (formerly jobactive) to our suite of services in Gippsland.  As a not-for-profit, we are driven by our social purpose which means our staff focus on the different needs of each individual, their skills and their career path. This ultimately leads to a better outcome for the jobseeker and most often, long term, meaningful employment,” said Mr Kearney.

The Gippsland youth unemployment rate currently sits at 17.9%1 and via its programs, Workways is aiming to help reduce that figure and help more people into sustainable employment.

“Young people in Gippsland need to be given opportunities to change their circumstances. We work with young jobseekers to build their skills, practice interview skills and most importantly, build their confidence and we’ve made connections with some incredible employers across Gippsland who are willing to give people facing barriers to employment, a chance.” Said Gene Williams, Regional Manager, Victoria.

Workways have established strong connections with local employers such as Baptcare and Greenhams Abbattoir, and work with potential candidates to ensure they’re job ready before they meet with the employer.

Equally, Workways gains a good understanding of the employer to ensure conditions and roles are going to be the right fit for the jobseeker.

“We’re excited to be expanding further into Gippsland and supporting even more jobseekers into work. We’re grateful for the support that Gippslanders have provided our business, and in turn we hope to be able to continue supporting the community well into the future,” said Mr Kearney.

Workways now delivers environmental, employment and community services across Victoria, ACT, NSW and Queensland, with around 300 staff nationwide and supports more than 18,000 jobseekers and community members each year.