Australian Sports Foundation launches ACTIVE KIDS GRANTS to provide eligible community sporting clubs with vital funding

Volunteer-run clubs can apply for funding to acquire equipment, kit and uniforms for junior members

Volunteer-run clubs can apply for funding to acquire equipment, kit and uniforms for junior members

The Australian Sports Foundation is excited to announce its Active Kids Grants, giving community sporting clubs the opportunity to apply for vital funding for junior members aged under 20. The Active Kids Grants have been established with the aim of providing every child with the active childhood they deserve, by supplying them with the equipment they need to participate in sporting activities.

Following the Sports Foundation’s recent survey which found Australia’s 70,000 community clubs need $1.2 billion in funding to survive the crippling effects of the COVID-19 crisis, the grants will help eligible clubs acquire equipment, kit and uniforms for junior members. The initiative will focus on volunteer run grassroots and community clubs, with priority given to clubs in disadvantaged and/or rural communities.

The events of this year have had a devastating impact on community sporting clubs around Australia and have left young Australians in particular without a vital outlet of physical activity and social connection. Every child deserves to have an active childhood but to make that a reality, we need to give clubs the means to start rebuilding their resources. We’re committed to helping young Australians get back to playing their sport,” said Australian Sports Foundation CEO Patrick Walker.

Open until 30th September, suggested grant values are up to $10,000 and will be made to fund projects specifically targeting those under 20-years old. Only one application per organisation or club will be accepted.

To be eligible, applicants must:

  • Be volunteer run and not affiliated with a professional club

  • Be registered with the Australian Sports Foundation

  • Be a not for profit with an Australian Business Number (ABN)

  • Intend to spend the funds within 12 months of receiving them

  • Be willing to provide updates on progress or host visitors from the Sports Foundation and its donors or supporters as requested

Eligible applications will be assessed according to how well their proposed project aligns with the intended outcome, using a bias free and robust reviewing process. The number of successful applications will depend on the funds available.

In July this year, the Sports Foundation conducted a national campaign to help it determine the impact of Covid-19 on community sport across the country and found that clubs had already lost an estimated $1.6 billion to date due to Covid-19.

The survey also revealed that community sports clubs faced additional costs – including extra kit and equipment – due to Covid-19, and over 16,000 (approx. one quarter) of community sports clubs nationally are thought to be at risk of closure if funding support isn’t provided within the next six months.

To read the Active Kids Grants guidelines and apply for a grant, please visit here.