Hush Foundation
PPR&C were tasked to deliver two PR campaigns around Victoria and to relevant national media to launch the album Gathering of Kindness, Hush Collection, Vol. 19 and to raise awareness of the Gathering of Kindness 2019 events.
The Hush Foundation was established in 2000 by highly awarded and renowned physician, Dr. Catherine Crock AM, in response to her work with children undergoing painful medical procedures at The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne. The Foundation’s vision is to transform the culture of health care through the Arts by producing and licencing unique and original music and arts projects that improve core environments and outcomes for patients, families and staff.
PPR&C aimed at generating news media stories focusing on interviews with Gathering of Kindness co-founder Catherine Crock AM and other presenters for the series of Gathering of Kindness events from Thursday 24 October to Thursday 28 November.
Local media in and around the various locations across Victoria and Australia where the events were held were targeted and media offered interviews in the lead up to the events as well as being invited to attend.
A number of key performance indicators were used to measure the success of the campaign. Mainstream media activity was monitored for the number and type of clips as well as advertising space rate ROI.