Walk for Prems - The Mighty Trek Challenge
March 14, 2025

Celebrate the 20th anniversary ofLife’s Little Treasures Foundation

The Walk for Prems - The Mighty Trek Challengeis a bold new fundraising challenge to celebrate the 20th

anniversary of Life’s Little Treasures Foundation.


Travelling 900km throughout October and pushing a NICUincubator in 20 selected locations on the journey from Sydney to Melbourne, Life’sLittle Treasures Foundation is embarking on this bold event The Mighty TrekChallenge to celebrate two decades of service.


The annual Walk for Prems is Australia’s largestevent dedicated to supporting families with premature and sick babies is set tobe even bigger in 2025 with the welcome addition of new locations across NSWand Victoria and The Mighty Trek Challenge option for participants.


The inaugural Mighty Trek Challenge will see premmiefamilies, hospital staff, friends, supporters and everyday Australians pushinga NICU incubator 900km in 20 selected locations on the route from Sydney toMelbourne.


The Mighty Trek Challenge will highlight the challenges faced by families withpremature and sick babies and create a legacy by raising $1M to propel theorganisation into the next 20 years.


"Together, let’s raise $1M for premature andsick babies. This vital funding will enable Life’s Little Treasures Foundationto expand our presence with support staff in 20 tertiary hospitals by2026—doubling our capacity to help families at one of the toughest times intheir life,” said Felicia Welstead, CEO of Life’s Little Treasures Foundation.

At the 20 locations Life’s Little TreasuresFoundation will be hosting special Walk for Prems events and together with thelocal communities, the incubator will be pushed for 900 km!


Dates and locations are:


1.     Sydney North - 1 October

2.     Sydney Central - 4 October

3.     Sydney West - 5 October

4.     Wollongong - 7 October

5.     Shellharbour - 8 October

6.     Moss Vale - 9 October

7.     Goulburn - 10 October

8.     Canberra - 12 October

9.     Wagga Wagga - 14 October

10.   Albury - 15 October

11.   Wangaratta - 16 October

12.   Shepparton - 17 October

13.   Bendigo - 19 October

14.   Kyneton - 21 October

15.   West Melbourne - 23 October

16.   Geelong - 24 October

17.   Ballarat - 25 October

18.   Melbourne Central - 26 October

19.   Melbourne North - 27 October

20.   Melbourne East - 30 October

The regular Walk for Prems event will also be heldin Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth in October.

There are lots of ways for the community to showtheir support and get behind The Mighty Trek Challenge:


1.    Join Life’s Little Treasures Foundation and localcommunities at Walk forPrems events on The Mighty Trek route from Sydney to Melbourne:


Be part of the 20 special Walk for Prems eventshappening along The Mighty Trek route from Sydney to Melbourne.

· Walkfor Prems – Our signature, family-friendly walk, with entertainment and aspecial remembrance ceremony.

· TheMighty Trek Challenge laps – Challenge yourself by completing as many laps aspossible on the day

· Havethe honour of pushing the incubator - book a slot and push the incubator ateach of the locations on the route, symbolising the journey families face inNICU.


2.    Participants can Walk for Prems and complete TheMighty Trek Challenge – Anytime, anywhere with the l virtual option. You can chooseto sign up for:


· Walk for Prems Virtual and complete the 5kmFamily-Friendly Distance.

· Take on The Mighty Trek Challenge – Choose Your own goalfor October, for example:

o Walk20km a week.

o Ride200km with friends.

o Runtwo 10km sets every weekend.

o Rollerskate 200km in October.


3.    Other ways to get involved:

  • 20 CEOs for 20 Years initiative – Business leaders are being asked to take on the challenge to raise $5,000 each while leading by example.
  • Corporate & workplace participation – Teams can join The Mighty Trek, Walk for Prems, or sponsor kilometres for their leaders.
  • Donate or sponsor a participant – Supporters can help LLTF reach its $1M goal by backing walkers, trekkers, and business leaders.


Each year, 48,000 babies in Australia are bornpremature or sick with one in seven babies needing critical care in a NeonatalIntensive Care Unit (NICU) or Special Care Nursery (SCN). 


For 20 years, Life’s Little Treasures Foundation hasbeen there, supporting families through their toughest days with tailoredinformation, practical support and community connection.


Life’s Little Treasures Foundation vision is to ensurethat all families enduring the difficult and life-changing experience of havinga premature/sick baby have easy access to critical information and communitysupport.


Life’s Little Treasures Foundation services areavailable in the hospital (neonatal and special care units) and in thecommunity when families come home.


For more information, please visit www.lifeslittletreasures.org.au and www.walkforprems.org.a