March 10, 2025

This May, Cancer Council isencouraging Aussies to gather with their friends, family and workmates forAustralia’s Biggest Morning Tea – a chance to share a cuppa and a bite to eat whileraising life-saving funds to fight cancer.

With one Australiandiagnosed with cancer around every five minutes – the samelength as an average tea break – Aussies can make a difference with everymug by registering for this year’s Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea.

Cancer Council NSW Directorof Marketing and Fundraising, Naomi Watson, said this year Australia’s BiggestMorning Tea was hoping to raise more than $16 million to continue Cancer Council’s life-saving cancerresearch, prevention, advocacy and support programs.

“Since 1993, Australians have hosted tens of thousands of morning teasand raised over $200 million, helping to fund life-saving research and vitalsupport for those affected by cancer,” Ms Watson said.

“With more than 24,000 hosts participating each year, Australia’sBiggest Morning Tea has cemented itself as one of the country’s most successfuland beloved fundraisers.

“From a laid-back picnicwith friends to a large-scale workplace event, people can celebrate Australia’sBiggest Morning Tea their own way.

“No matter how your morningtea looks, it’s all about bringing people together in support of this importantcause that impacts all of us.

“Tackling cancer takes allof us. Together, we can turn a simple morning tea into a powerful force forchange. Join us this May and help raise the funds needed to fight cancer, onecup at a time.”

Over the last 32 years, theevent has seen millions of Australians donate, fundraise, and support thoseaffected by cancer.

Although Thursday 22ndMay is the official date to host a morning tea in support of Cancer Council –Aussies can host as an individual, community group or business any time in Mayor June.

To get involved, register amorning tea today or donate at