The impact of COVID-19 on athletes: Australian Sports Foundation calls on athletes to tell their story

The Australian Sports FoundatImpact of COVID-19 on Athletes Survey ion has launched a survey to understand the impacts and the support required to recover

The Australian Sports FoundatImpact of COVID-19 on Athletes Survey ion has launched a survey to understand the impacts and the support required to recover

Following a recent report that investigated the impact of COVID-19 on community and grassroots sporting clubs, The Australian Sports Foundation (ASF) has created a survey to understand the financial, mental and physical health impacts on athletes and the support they now require. 

Open until 18th December, the survey will give athletes across Australia the chance to tell their story and provide the ASF with a comprehensive insight into the toll that Covid-19 has taken on athletes’ finances, health, families and careers.

In May and June this year, a national survey conducted by the ASF found that over 16,000 (1 in every 4) local sports clubs are at risk of closure due to financial losses and new costs associated with COVID-19.

The ASF is already raising funds to help clubs in need, and the current survey will help bring the impact on our athletes into focus and to identify the level of support required.

The impact of COVID-19 on all levels of Aussie sport has been devastating. We want to hear from athletes far and wide so we can do our part to support Australian sport and its athletes who continue to inspire us all to live an active, healthy life and push the boundaries of human achievement,” said Australian Sports Foundation CEO Patrick Walker.

The survey takes 15 minutes to complete and asks questions designed to understand the impact on funding as well as on physical and mental health, families and careers.

Chris Bond, a wheelchair rugby (murder ball) Paralympic gold medallist and Sports Partnership Manager at the ASF said “With travel restrictions, lockdowns, postponed and cancelled competitions, financial uncertainty and health implications, the pandemic has undoubtedly had a huge impact on athletes. As part of the community myself, I know how tough it has been. The Sports Foundation want to be able to go in and bat for athletes across Australia so we can get back to doing what we love, which is why we’re calling on all athletes to fill out this short survey to help us do just that.”

As a small gesture of support and a reward for athletes’ input, ISC Sport will be offering athlete prize packs to the value of $250 for 2 survey participants to win.

The Australian Sports Foundation is Australia’s peak charitable body for sport, and the only organisation in Australia for which donations to sport are tax deductible. Their mission is to help Australian sport thrive, so that every Australian can benefit from the health and social impacts of sports participation.

Athletes have until 18th December 2020 to complete the survey.

The survey can be accessed here: Impact of COVID-19 on Athletes Survey